Neuro-oncology and Skull Base Surgery Center: An Overview

Drs. Kaptain and Lee explain what makes the Neuro-Oncology and Skull Base Surgery Center so unique.
When we started we realized that developing a neuro-oncology program required skull based surgery, neuro-oncology, spinal metastasis, pituitary tumors. That’s what you and I were trained to do. That’s what we realized we had a passion for and that’s what we’ve done. That’s one of the aspects of our practice that I think is unique that the care is subspecialized, that we’re charged with taking care of solving the problem of a patient with a brain tumor, to give them the best solution and offer them the best surgical service. And I think we both agree that that results in the best outcomes.
And it’s not just a surgery that is important but it’s that patients overall life outlook and how they’re going to progress even after surgery, many months and years beyond. And so we make it a point to have a very strong collaborative effort with our colleagues in neuro oncology and radiation oncology, social work, and everyone involved in terms of being able to really package everything together so that it’s not just about the surgery but it’s really about the patient’s overall outcome and life aspects
I think even beyond offering a person the best surgery that can be given, I think it’s about giving hope above and beyond operation and above and beyond the things that have been established to be beneficial, so wouldn’t you agree that the development of our clinical trials has been an important part of how we’ve helped people, helped our patients with certain kinds of tumors?
I totally agree. I think that the ability to understand and be involved in these clinical trials has really been critical in terms of our success and our ability to treat these patients, to treat patients with brain tumors. Being able to really understand sort of what’s latest and greatest in technology and therapy. And being able to offer treatments to patients that are not really just one sided. Not just surgical. The, and I really think the only way to do that is to stay passionate about what you do, to love what you do, but to always do it. To do it all the time, and I really think that, that’s really been the key to our success.
We have weekly neuro-oncology conferences where we work together with our friends, and neuro radiology, and medical neuro-oncology, and radiation oncology, and neuropathology so that we assess each patient with a problem and try to come up with the best solution. And with every participant having a desire to maintain up to date in their filed. Were able to offer the best treatments for the patients.
And I think that’s something that’s unique. Not only in New Jersey but I also think, in the country.