Radiation Therapy for Meningioma: Exploring Targeted Treatment Approaches

A meningioma is often slow growing and may require Radiation Therapy for treatment; symptoms may be mistaken for other health conditions. If your physician suspects you may have a meningioma, you will likely be referred to a specialist.

What is a Meningioma? Is Meningioma Serious?

Meningiomas are one of the most common brain tumors, accounting for more than 40% of all primary brain tumors. They grow on the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord and are usually benign. As meningiomas grow, they can put pressure on the brain and cause neurological problems. Most meningiomas are noncancerous as malignant meningiomas are less common. Although the majority of meningiomas are benign, these tumors can grow slowly until they are very large, if left undiscovered, and, in some locations, can be severely disabling and life-threatening.

Diagnosis of Meningioma

The diagnosis of a meningioma is usually through a combination of imaging tests such as an MRI or CT scan, and in some cases a biopsy of the tumor.

Types of Treatment for Meningioma

Since every patient is unique, the treatment you receive for a meningioma will depend on many different factors, including the size and location of the tumor; the growth rate; a patient’s overall age and health; and the specific treatment goals. It is important to note that immediate treatment is not always necessary. However, the total removal of a meningioma is usually preferred to prevent recurrence.

Surgery for Meningioma Treatment

If your meningioma causes symptoms or appears to be growing in size, your physician may recommend surgery. In this case, a surgeon will work to remove the meningioma completely, or in some cases as much as safely possible.

Radiation Therapy for Meningioma Treatment

If a meningioma cannot be completely removed surgically, a physician may discuss and recommend radiation therapy to you. The goal of radiation therapy is to help destroy existing meningioma cells, shrink the tumor and help to reduce the possibility of recurrence. 

Radiation therapy options may include:

Can a removed Meningioma grow back? Can meningioma be cured?

While it is possible, it is rare for that to happen. Most meningiomas are benign and can be fully removed. Studies have shown that as few as 5% of meningiomas recur within five years of initial treatments.

Can you live a normal life with meningioma?

A meningioma can be a serious of a condition as is any other brain tumor. However, most meningiomas are non-cancerous and tend to grow very slowly. More importantly, people diagnosed with meningioma have a high survival rate, and most meningiomas are treatable and manageable. 

Diagnosing and Treating Meningioma in New Jersey

If you have been diagnosed with Meningioma, it is important that you speak with a qualified physician to discuss your best treatment options. The exceptional physicians of New Jersey Brain and Spine may be able to help. We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work best for patients. Contact us today for an appointment or second opinion. For more than 25 years, our physicians have compassionately cared for more than 40,000 patients with complex conditions.