Herniated Disc Surgery & Recovery Time: What to Expect?

Is Herniated Disc Surgery Necessary

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured cervical disc, is a common cause of neck and back pain that can travel to other areas of the body. Herniated discs are often a common cause of disability and many patients are recommended for surgery. However, the majority of herniated discs do not require surgery.

What causes a herniated disc?

With the natural aging process, discs dehydrate and lose resiliency, making them more susceptible to wear. The problem starts when your disc shifts and presses on a nearby nerve, causing pain, numbness, tingling sensations, and possibly weakness. Essentially, the jelly-like center of a spinal disc pushes out through a tear in the disc’s outer layer. This can happen due to age-related wear and tear or from an injury.

A herniated disc can occur anywhere along the spine, but occurs most common in the lower back area and causes pressure to build on the spinal nerve roots that compose the sciatic nerve. Herniated discs are common as you get older, as discs naturally degenerate over time making them more vulnerable to tears or herniation.

Symptoms of Herniated Discs

In many cases, patients with neck, back or leg pain, or weakness of the lower extremity muscles, are often diagnosed with a herniated disc. Signs and symptoms of this condition include:

  • Neck pain
  • Numbness and tingling down your arms, fingers, buttocks, legs, or feet
  • Pain triggered by sudden neck movements
  • Pain that gets worse with movement
  • Radiating pain that gets worse by looking up and away
  • Muscle weakness (difficulty holding/lifting things)

If you believe you have a herniated disc, your physician may conduct a complete clinical evaluation with a thorough medical history and a physical exam. Diagnostic tests such as EMG, CT, or MRI imaging may be used to verify the precise location and extent of the damage.

Why Surgery Isn’t Your Only Treatment Option

Often, surgery is usually not needed to treat a herniated disc. Most herniated discs will respond positively to conservative treatment and therapies.

Our recommendation is to always consider non-surgical treatments first. A majority of patients treated for herniated discs will experience a significant improvement with non-surgical treatments, such as:

  • Ice and heat therapies
  • Activity modification
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Epidural nerve blocks
  • Physical therapy
  • Exercises

When Is Surgery Needed?

In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove the disc’s herniated portion or relieve pressure on the nerves if other treatments haven’t worked. For many, this is the last resort option to alleviate pain.

The goal of a surgical procedure to treated a herniated disc, is to take pressure off of the nerve roots. This is typically done by removing a portion of the disc, which is known as a discectomy.

You and your physician should discuss which type of discectomy may be best for you.

In many cases, surgical treatments will often provide faster pain relief, improved mobility and quicker recovery time.

Understanding Herniated Disc Recovery Time

Recovery from a herniated disc varies depending on several factors, including the type of treatment employed, an individual’s general health, and the extent of the herniation.

Non-surgical Treatment: Many herniated discs can be addressed without resorting to surgery. For a significant number of patients, the discomfort and pain from a herniated disc dissipate within several weeks to a few months after starting conservative treatments like activity modifications, medications, and physical therapy.

Post-surgery Recovery: In situations where surgery, like a discectomy, is necessary, many patients report feeling relief shortly post-operation. However, for a full recovery and before resuming rigorous activities, it can range from several weeks to a couple of months. Adhering to post-operative guidelines and incorporating physical therapy can speed up recovery and minimize potential complications.

Factors Affecting Recovery:

Age: Typically, older individuals might experience a lengthier herniated disc recovery time period.

Health: Those in good health and without other underlying conditions often have a speedier recovery.

Severity: Disc herniations that are larger or more complex can necessitate a longer recovery duration.

Treatment Adherence: Rigorously following medical advice, completing physical therapy, and avoiding activities that strain the back can lead to a faster recovery.

Get a Consultation

If you are suffering from a herniated disc, it is important to speak to your physician right away to discuss proper diagnosis and potential treatment options. Our experienced team of surgeons have helped patients eliminate their back pain and return to a quality of life they enjoy.

For more information on our treatment plans for patients experiencing a herniated disc, or to receive a second opinion on a diagnosis, contact us today.