Bob Bosloper’s Story

As featured on the Today Show

Groundbreaking way sound waves are being used to treat tremors


The Today Show featured NJBS patient Bob Bosloper’s story in August 2023

Life with essential tremors

Living with essential tremor can be incredibly challenging, affecting both the physical and emotional well-being of individuals. Approximately 10 million Americans are grappling with this neurological condition, seeking effective solutions to improve their quality of life. Fortunately, medical technology advancements provide new hope, and the combined efforts of professionals like Dr. Azmi and groundbreaking treatments such as high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) are reshaping the landscape of neurological disorder management.

Dr. Azmi, a distinguished board-certified neurosurgeon with a specialization in functional and restorative neurosurgery, stands as a driving force in advancing neurological treatments. He actively addresses traumatic brain injuries and spinal disorders, reflecting his dedication to holistic neurological well-being. Central to his approach is shared decision-making, where patients are empowered through a comprehensive understanding of available treatment options. This approach reflects his commitment to patient-centered care by tailoring treatments to each individual’s distinct needs.

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound: A Breakthrough

The emergence of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) as a non-invasive tremor treatment aligns seamlessly with Dr. Azmi’s patient-centric approach. By utilizing precisely focused ultrasound waves, HIFU disrupts neural circuits responsible for tremors, providing relief without traditional surgical interventions. Dr. Azmi’s involvement in developing protocols ensures the safety of patients with Parkinson’s disease during their hospital stays, making HIFU an even more attractive option.

The Road Ahead for One Patient

In this coverage from The Today Show, Joe Fryer explores the way that this groundbreaking technology is helping one patient, Bob Bosloper. Bob has had essential tremors in both hands since his early 20s. For many years, the only options were medication or to have a potentially complicated surgery to address it. Now, with the help of Dr. Azmi, Bob was able to find a new option: HIFU. With a successful first treatment in 2022, Bob was able to regain control over his right hand. Now, with regulations allowing treatment of non-dominant hands, Bob was able to undergo treatment again to treat his left hand.

Personalized Care and Collaborative Approach

Dr. Azmi’s commitment to shared decision-making echoes the personalized nature of HIFU treatment. Tailored to each patient’s unique condition, HIFU embodies Dr. Azmi’s patient-centered ethos. His comprehensive expertise extends beyond surgical skills, as he actively contributes to enhancing the quality of care for neurosurgical patients, serving on quality and safety committees.

Dr. Azmi’s exceptional expertise, dedication to patient-centered care, and contributions to advancing treatment protocols harmonize seamlessly with the transformative potential of high-intensity focused ultrasound. Their synergy offers a beacon of hope for individuals burdened by essential tremors and other neurological conditions. As medical science progresses, a future with improved quality of life and innovative treatments, attuned to each individual’s distinctive needs, is on the horizon.